


公司:Foliar-plus Biotech

商品:Cetyl Myristoleate Complex

其他商品: Policosanol 2% Oil Foliaryon 虎力勇


Cetyl Myristoleate Complex
Product Description and Specification
Name : Cetyl Myristoleate Complex (CMC) powder
Definition: Cetyl Myristoleate Complex contains cis-9-myristoleate (fatty acid ester)
Composition: CMC is a special blend of fatty acid esters combined with an excipient suitable for dietary supplements
Method of Analysis: Gas Chromatograph equipped with Flame Ionization Detector (FID) using 3-to-4-point calibrations
Physical Characteristics:
Color: Off-white to beige w/specks
Odor: Characteristic of cetyl Myristoleate
Texture: Slightly waxy powder
Taste: Characteristic of cetyl Myristoleate
Sieve: 35% retained on USS 40
Microbiological Control:
Total Plate Count:                  <100 (cfu/g)
Yeast & Mold                      <10 (cfu/g)
E. coli:                            Negative
Salmonella:                        Negative
Staphylococcus:                    Negative
Ingredients declaration: Corn Starch, Cetyl Myristoleate, Cetyl Myristate, Cetyl Palmitate, Cetyl Laurate, Cetyl Palmitoleate, Silicon Dioxide, Cetyl Oleate.
Description: Cetyl Myristoleate Complex(cetyl myrsistate, cetyl palmitate, cetyl laurate, cetyl palmitoleate, cetyl oleate) 30%; cetyl Myristoleate 20%; Corn Starch 48%; Silicon Dioxide 2%. CMC is a bovine source and BSE free.
: 用於生產治療關節炎的特效藥關支靈,西摩免疫膠囊及保健食品。
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